48-hour cancellation required Before/After hours $10/10 min (max 30 min) Laundry, Clean-up, Additional Time fees may apply Free bath for 5+ nights 10% off for 7+ nights
Boarding (per 24 hours) $48 $72 for two dogs, same kennel $86 for two, separate kennel
Before/After hours $10/10 min (max 30 min)
Hourly (per hour) $7 ($11 for two dogs) Half Day (up to 6 hours) $20 ($32 for two dogs) Full Day (more than 6 hours) $30 ($48 for two dogs)
Home Care
Windows: Before 9am, 11am-1pm, 1-3pm & after 5pm 24-Hour cancellation required Beyond range +$1/mile
Quick Visit (15 minutes) $25 Extended Visit (25 minutes) $35 Additional Time (per 10 min) $10
Shuttle (departs QP at 9am & 5pm) $18 Leash Walk (30-min at QP) $10 One-on-One Time (per 10 min) $10 Photo Update (via email) $12 Gourmet Treat $1 House Food (cup/can) $1 / $2 Frontline $20 / $24
Professional Grooming
We offer a full range of grooming services for cats, dogs, and other house pets. Some services are listed here or call us for a more detailed estimate.